Tel.: +49 395 570 51 00  •  E-Mail:



Biobanking & Biorepository

Certified storage service for any biological sample type for the entire lifecycle, from pick up to return or disposal.

Document Archiving

Certified GxP document archiving and data management in the only GLP, GCP, and GMP-certified document storage.

Retention Sample Archiving

Unique off-site storage solution for GxP retention samples of any batches sizes covering the entire life cycle from pick up to return.

Data Archiving

GxP-certified archiving service for digital data and electronic records from clinical and non-clinical research and medicinal production.

ZAS Zentral Archiv Service GmbH
Justus-von-Liebig Str. 7
17033 Neubrandenburg, Germany

Tel.: +49 395 570 51 00

Fax.: +49 395 570 51 19


About ZAS



Powerful and seamless services for over 30 years.


Powerful in structure, excellent in performance.

Quality & Safety

Prioritizing seamless quality and safety.

ZAS Zentral Archiv Service GmbH
Justus-von-Liebig Str. 7
17033 Neubrandenburg, Germany

Tel.: +49 395 570 51 00
Fax.: +49 395 570 51 19

Document Services
Document Archiving
Document Services
Document Archiving

Data Archiving

Certified GxP digital archiving for healthcare and pharma

Software as a service (SAAS) and data hosting on cloud systems have specific compliance needs in the GxP-regulated area. ZAS GxP Cloud Services offer a unique archiving solution for digital data and electronic records from clinical and non-clinical research and medicinal production.

As the only GLP- and GMP-certified archive service provider offering on premise digital data archiving we guarantee data integrity for the upcoming decades and offer utmost peace of mind during inspections.

Experience a seamless end-to-end digital data management service covering the entire data lifecycle. This includes data transfer, data integrity controls, digital archiving, customized access to data, easy and fast data provision, and data destruction, all with centralized chain of custody under our control.
Delegate your digital data management to us and unlock valuable resources, ensure inspection readiness through on-demand services like inspection support or data integrity reports, and receive swift project support for urgent matters.

As a GxP-archiving company, our GLP, GMP, and ISO27001-certified IT infrastructure guarantee that your valuable data remains securely within the GxP-compliant area. Our process includes the highest safety standards on data integrity control or disaster recovery required in the healthcare and pharmaceutical industry.

ZAS is a member of the Rhenus Group, one of the leading logistics companies worldwide, boasting a proven track record of 30 operational years. By leveraging our robust infrastructure and operational efficiency, our clients benefit from a single-vendor solution, streamlining their document archiving processes. This not only saves valuable time and resources but also ensures clear legal oversight.

Rest assured that your digital archiving needs are in the hands of an expert in electronic data handling, giving you utmost peace of mind. Just give us a call, and we will manage your needs for you!

Your benefits for data archiving

Leverage our GxP-certified data archiving service that ensures compliance, provides fast and easy data access, and peace of mind.

GxP-compliance guaranteed

From GLP to GCP and GMP, we stand alone in ensuring adherence to laws and regulations. Whether it’s GCP-compliant archiving of full eTMF or GLP-compliant archiving of proprietary raw data formats or GXP-compliant transfer procedures, rely in our certified services for unmatched peace of mind.

Fast and easy data access

Ensure continuous control with a real-time 24/7 data overview from any location. Initiate same-day data provision or limited inspector access. Even for single files!

Data integrity control

Rely on our data integrity controls right after we have received the data, during migration to different media or throughout the archiving period. Receive data integrity reports during audits and inspections.

Certified cloud alternative

On premise infrastructure as a service (IAAS) within our certified data center and digital archive for CRO transfer, data migration from “old” drives, or GDPR compliant data destruction. Delegate data management to us and ensure full GCP, GLP and GMP compliance!

Data types for electronic archiving

Digital archiving of your electronic files from pharmaceutical non-clinical research (GLP, R&D), clinical research (GCP, GCLP) and production (GMP) and healthcare will be secured at optimal conditions, and any required compliance level:

  • Electronic GLP raw data 
  • eTMFs 
  • eISFs 
  • Electronic batch records 
  • Database dumps from SAAS providers 
  • Electronic lab notebooks 
  • Digital slide images (e.g. DICOM) 
  • Software installations

ZAS Data
Archiving Suite

Covering transfers to digital archiving, our all-encompassing Data Archiving Service is customized to meet your distinct requirements, offering either the complete suite or individual modules based on your needs.

Contact our experts
and get a quote!


Data transfer under GxP standards

Transfer to ZAS

  • EU-wide logistics for physical data carrier transfers operated by ZAS fleet or by partners on a global level
  • Data upload link provision
  • Download of data from third party sharepoints
  • Access limited e-data reading tool
  • Clear legal oversight: Responsibility transitions to ZAS immediately upon handover


Migration and data integrity control

ZAS ensures that all data files are received, readability is controlled, check sums are compared and the files therefore in best condition for decades of storage.

  • For data carriers: optical check
  • Migration: to local file server
  • Data integrity control
  • Readability check
  • Check sum control and comparison (e.g. MD5)
  • Repeated consultation on digital obsolescence and technical advancements for readability of proprietary formats

Digital Archiving

Certified and controlled electronic storage

GxP-compliant digital archiving guarantee highest data integrity and safety.

  • Climatized rooms with fireproof saves for data carriers (DIS60/DIS120)
  • Temperature monitoring & control
  • Redundant safety: 24/7 guarded facilities, monitored systems and data integrity
  • IT Servers with CO2 extinguishing system,
  • access limitation and documentation

Access & Retrieval

It’s not a sharebox

Instant overview and convenient data accessibility.

  • 24/7 overview: we archive the data on your behalf as archivist. You can search anytime from anywhere through our user-friendly Telesto online portal and gain a clear, real-time overview of your stock
  • Guaranteed data provision within 24h (dependent on data volume): Easily locate your desired file and get it uploaded on either SFTP Server, your sharebox or transferred as data carrier by our ZAS fleet, irrespective the distance to your location
  • Working copy retrieval: Retrieve a working copy, leaving the original undisturbed in the archive
  • Inspector access: during inspections your inspector may require access to copies? We have a solution including limited access rights incl. no-print, no-download options.
  • Download Link for your SAAS provider: in the event of a data restauration, we provide access for the data packed for your SAAS provider

Return or Destruction

Data transfer or deletion

Tailored to specific needs

  • Detailed data carrier destruction certificate: audit-proof, specific certification for every destroyed data carrier (bar code)
  • In-house disposal: Responsibility remains with us within the Rhenus Group
  • Deletion suggestion send to you at the end of the retention schedule

Ensuring data integrity and GxP compliance

High-security archives for data carries, certified IT processes and infrastructure with multi-layered safety measures protect your electronic archive and ensure the safety of your data.

Responsive digital data service

A responsive team with a single point of contact attentively listens to your needs, ensuring your projects stay on track with streamlined communication and quick resolution of short-term matters. Our approach is tailored to your needs, as we are well-equipped to handle your unique requirements and offer the flexibility to adjust processes on the fly.
  • Agile project planning and execution
  • Audit readiness and support
  • Single point of contact
  • Tailored solutions

Your trusted partner for digital archiving

Leveraging our robust infrastructure, extensive experience, and expertise, as a part of the Rhenus family, we offer long-term reliability, operational efficiency, and unwavering stability.
  • 30 years+ experience
  • 20+ audits per year
  • 200+ customers
  • 50 Tb+ of data